I don't know.

That seems to be a cop-out answer, but it's honest.  I don't know how I'm Otherkin or why I'm Otherkin.  I could say "well, my experiences and feelings can mean X", but that's about it.  I generally feel that it's psychological in nature, but it could also be spiritual.  That's all I know.  I just know I experience X and feel like X.   The why or how is far from being answered and I can't even begin to try.  It's not like it truly matters to me because it won't change what I feel.

So...there's a short answer and one that seems silly, at least to me.

Where to start, where to start...

When I first joined the Otherkin community it was through a therian group on Myspace.  I was 14 or 15 (my sophomore year of high school) and I was actually looking for a vampire group, which I went through a brief phase of at that age.  Anyway, I joined the therian group because a lot of what it talked about was similar to what I felt, but I said I was a wolf therian because everyone was a wolf therian so I had to be one too.  It just seemed easier to fit in that way and I did have moments of feeling canine-ish.

At some point I found Trueform Within (which I still miss -- I was devastated when it vanished) and eventually the old incarnation of Werelist.  I'm not entirely certain as to how I reached those communities, only that I did.  I then went around through a variety of kin-types including, but not all inclusive,:

- Tiger
- Dragon
- Angel 
- Polymorph
- Polymorphic angel
- Polymorphic demon

It was a thoroughly confusing time due to the nature of being a polymorph.  When you feel like a variety of things quite a bit it leads to identity confusion and uncertainty.  Sometimes it can still lead to uncertainty and sometimes it's rather a pain to not be able to go "I am X".  Currently I have just started to say I'm a polymorphic lion because it generally fits and it's the closest to what I've got for explaining myself.

That's really about it in regards to the history of my identity so I guess I'll leave it at that.

Mostly.  It's kind of a hard question to answer because there's no "set" form and polymorph is the closest that I can.  I have polymorphic tendencies with no real core form though it seems to mostly resemble a demonic lion with all the characteristics of a lion, but with a "darker" flavor and a sentience that lions of Earth don't appear to exhibit.
Link to challenge:  http://thehornedgate.wordpress.com/2013/05/30/30-days-of-otherkin-challenge/

Creator:  Meirya 


  1. Identity: Current
  2. Identity: History/development
  3. Identity: How/why you are otherkin
  4. Identity: Other aspects of your identity (in addition to/besides your otherkin identity)
  5. Identity: Doubts
  6. Kintype(s): Facts and fiction
  7. Kintype(s) Interactions (with your kintype or with others of the same kintype as you)
  8. Kintype(s): Mythology, legends, lore
  9. Kintype(s): What’s it like to be your kintype?
  10. Kintype(s): Common misconceptions
  11. Community: Online
  12. Community: Offline
  13. Community: Family
  14. Community: Friends
  15. Community: Significant others
  16. Being otherkin: Challenges
  17. Being otherkin: Shifting (or lack thereof)
  18. Being otherkin: Reincarnation and past-life memories (or lack thereof, or [non-]beliefs about reincarnation)
  19. Being otherkin: Experiences (descriptions and stories of an experience or experiences relating to your otherkin nature/identity)
  20. Being otherkin: Expressing your other-ness
  21. Being otherkin: Psychological/mental/emotional factors
  22. Being otherkin: Energetic factors (Alternatively: Movement and physicality)
  23. Being otherkin: Value and meaning (regarding or derived from your otherkin identity)
  24. Your spirituality (Alternatively, for athiests/etc: Practices that nourish your psyche/mind/heart)
  25. Does your otherkin identity influence your spirituality (or psyche-nourishing practices)? How?
  26. Fiction, media, and/or music that is meaningful to you as otherkin.
  27. Advice for someone just Awakening.
  28. A topic you wish was discussed more often among otherkin.
  29. One misconception about otherkin you’d like to clear up.
  30. A question you’d like to ask the otherkin community.

    About the Author

    Arawn is a would-be writer who has a bachelor's degree in history that includes a license to teach grades 7 through 12.   His specialty in history is European History with a subset of the British Isles.

    He is also an active member of the Otherkin community and a member of the Furry community.  He enjoys to write and draw with anthropomorphic characters though he also writes a variety of other stories with a variety of genres.


    October 2013
    September 2013


    30 Days Of Otherkin